My Story: Michael Plöckinger

Hello! I’m Michael Plöckinger, born in 1984. I want to share my journey with you, a journey filled with learning, growing, and helping others.

School and Learning

I went to the University of Applied Sciences in Steyr, Austria. There, I studied Supply Chain Management and International Logistics Management. These subjects helped me understand how businesses work together around the world.

Adventures Abroad

In 2005, I got the chance to go to New York for an internship. This trip was amazing because I learned a lot about different cultures and business. After that, I worked for seven years in the Czech Republic as a Purchasing Manager at a company that makes products with injection molding. While I was there, I also learned to speak Czech fluently.

My Love for Computers

Ever since I was in school, I’ve loved programming. I taught myself many computer languages like Python, JavaScript, PHP, VB, and C#. I’m especially good at Python. I enjoy using technology to solve problems and create new things.

Helping Others

One of the things I’m most proud of is spending 20 years volunteering as a paramedic. Helping people in emergencies means a lot to me. I also work with the Upper Austrian Search Dogs as their operations manager for the Red Cross. It’s important for me to help people who are in need.

Family Life

My family, with my wife and two kids, is very important to me. They support me in everything I do, from my career to volunteering and learning new things.

Looking Back

When I think about my life, I see how many different things I’ve done—from studying and working in different countries to learning languages and programming, and helping others. My story shows that it’s good to try new things and help people whenever you can. My family, my work, and volunteering are all big parts of who I am.